The Asus EEE 1000H is the newest addition to the Technocop HQ. The 1000H comes with an atom 1.6ghz processor, 2 gig RAM (after the upgrade), 80 g HD, and Windows XP. It is in the category of what is now becoming to be the very popular Netbook. But do not be misled by the category (netbook) as this laptop is just as capable as any other computer that I own. It could do most anything that I need a computer for like image editing (Photoshop), mindmapping, blogging, email, websurfing, you name it.
What I especially love about the eee 1000H are its size (compared to the Macbook 13 in above), the weight (barely 2 lbs), the battery life (5-6 hours with the 6 cell battery, and the price (around $500). At this price point, this full featured laptop is very affordable that the 'desktop only' users in my organization have started to enjoy the benefits and convenience of owning a laptop. During the first week alone of owning the 1000H, at least 33 officemates already bought theirs.
I highly recommend the 1000H as it has become my daily workhorse for the past 3 weeks. You can read detailed reviews of the 1000H here, here, and here.
The above image shows my everyday gadget bag. Inside the bag I have the 1000H, Nokia E71, iPhone 3G, PenX and journal, and the MyPowerAll external battery which gives the 1000H an additional 4 hours of battery life.
My mobile life is now even sweeter!