In a blog I wrote some three weeks ago I noted some minor annoyances with the N. 97 that I feel could be addressed by a firmware update. The long wait is over. While syncing the N97 to the desktop this morning, I was prompted with the dialog box below:
I have shown below the different dialog boxes that I had to go through for this install. It took all of 20 minutes to complete the download with no issues whatsoever.
The following are just some of my initial impressions after the update:
- The install went smoothly with practically all data and settings saved and running in the updated N97. Even the third party software's I have installed are all working fine.
- the issue with having to pull on the side lock twice in order to unlock the device has been solved.
- The touchscreen now seems to be more responsive and, unlike before, I do not need to exert extra force when scrolling down screen menus.
- Even the accelerometer (for switching the phone between portrait and landscape modes) seem to be more sponsored.
Thanks so much NOKIA.